As the official online store of the GlassWarrior Lens Protector for Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, we can offer you a great selection of official and replica products. We have a variety of styles that are sure to impress the sports fan in you. Our GlassWarrior Lens Protector for Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra are made to the official team specifications and are available for the entire season with a variety of sizes, styles, and colors.
Say goodbye to scratches and dings on your camera. Benks Camera Lens Protector is built to precisely encapsulate each individual lens, providing a premium feel while keeping it ultra-thin and low profile. It offers seamless edge-to-edge protection, without ever compromising your phone’s natural feel.
- Same glass as your screen
- Guaranteed scratch resistance at 9 on the Mohs hardness scale. (Just about the only thing harder is a diamond).
- Hassle-Free Installation, Residue-Free Removal
- Preserves Original Display